Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Amendment Of The Voting Rights Act - 936 Words

Thus, when faced with arbitrary legislative action or inaction, judicial intervention â€Å"is not only appropriate but essential† to protect citizens’ constitutional rights. Furthermore, when the Court resolves constitutional questions that, for whatever reasons, elected representatives, cannot, its rulings can guide lower courts, legislators, and citizens concerning the scope of individual rights and permissibility of governmental conduct. When the Court applies the standing doctrine regardless of legislative inertia or entrenchment, some citizens are left with rights but no remedies and a government that is unaccountable and unresponsive to its citizens. This was precisely the point that Justice Scalia made in Shelby County, and most likely why the Court refused to defer to Congress despite overwhelming support for re-authorization of the Voting Rights Act. Noting that â€Å"they [Senators] are going to lose votes if they do not reenact the Voting Rights Act,† and suggesting that the Act would be â€Å"reenacted in perpetuity unless †¦ unless a court can say it does not comport with the Constitution,† Justice Scalia recognized the necessity for judicial intervention in this situation. The same principle should be applied when politically powerless citizens seek to challenge the constitutionality of law and redress through the democratic process is nothing but an exercise in futility. To deny such citizens standing where they assert a legally cognizable harm, are within theShow MoreRelatedThe Social Problem Of Voting Rights1668 Words   |  7 PagesThe social problem: What is the social problem you will examin e? The research will examine voting rights in relation to voting right inequalities and the society’s effort to have an all minority groups included in the civic process. The research will look into several historical factors that contributed to voting rights inequalities and how the society has evolved to solve issues related to the right to vote. History of problem and policy: when did the problem first emerge historically? What historicalRead MoreThe Right Or Privilege Of Voting970 Words   |  4 PagesMany people of the modern day take for granted their right to vote. Assuming that it was a natural god given right that has been around since the dawn of politics, but that is not the case. Politics of the early to late 1800’s was paved with a road of tears, regret, blood, sweat, and most of all inequality. To understand some of the pitfalls and struggles some had faced, you must first understand some key concepts and terms. When referring to voting you may hear the terms franchise and suffrage comeRead MoreThe Voting Rights Act Of 19651288 Words   |  6 Pagescommunity. During this year, Congress passed the Voting Rights Act and the Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 helped enforce the 15th Amendment and prohibited racial discrimination in voting. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 abolished quotas based on nationality and allowed Americans to sponsor relatives from their countries of origin. The Voting Rights Act and the Immigration and Naturalization Amendments of 1965 did not only reduce previous state-sponsoredRead MoreSection 5 of the Voting Rights Act1699 Words   |  7 Pagestime of racial discrimination in America and the emergence of a strong Civil Rights Movement, congress enacted the Voting Rights Act (VRA), which prohibits discrimination in voting. Congress could not end racial discrimination in voting by suing one jurisdiction, state, etc. at a time. 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Cromartie, for the evidence to be sufficient, it must show that discrimination played a predominant role in the making of the law and that it focuses upon voting behavior. Texas’ voter ID law is one of the strictest in the nation. Discriminatory evidence the majority opinion might see is in the list of acceptable forms of identification. There are seven acceptable forms of identification, which includesRead MoreShould Felons Be Allowed to Vote? Essay794 Words   |  4 Pagespermanently restrict felons from voting while Vermont and Maine allow felons to vote while in prison. Proponents of felon re-enfranchisement believe felons who have paid their debt to society by completing their sentences should have all of their rights and privileges restored. They argue that efforts to block ex-felons from voting are unfair, undemocratic, and politically or racially motivated. Opponents of felon voting say the restrictions are consistent with other voting limitations such as age, residencyRead MoreThe Voting Rights Act of 1965 Essays1217 Words   |  5 Pagesbe caused by pieces of paper. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was a law passed that primarily gave African Americans the right to vote without having to take any sort of literacy tests. African Americans were widely ignored in voting rights because they were forced to take literacy tests to be eligible to vote. Having this event in our nation’s civil rights movement was a landmark that allowed the other half of our nation’s voice to be heard. â€Å"The Voting Rights Act itself has been called the singleRead MoreEssay on Voting History In The United States of America1539 Words   |  7 Pagesminority groups have encountered significant barriers to the right to vote. Traditionally, specific populations concerned with protecting their power over others have maintained tight control over this privilege. In doing so, violations of basic human rights have occurred; state and federal governments established voting restrictions based on race. Fortunately, several methods were taken for overcoming these limitations that resulted in the voting practices used today. These r ecent legislations that governmentRead MoreThe Voting Rights Act Of 19651575 Words   |  7 Pagesthe Voting Rights Act initially enacted in 1965. There are two sections of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that are of particular concern in most cases, sections 4 and 5. Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act requires certain states, districts, and localities to obtain federal preclearance before making any changes or alterations to their election laws or practices (Overby). Section 4 specifies a formula for determining whether a geographical area is subject to section 5 (Overby). When the Voting Rights

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